List your Copenhagen apartment

In order for your apartment, or city house, to be considered by Hay4You it must be available for at least 12 weeks (6 weeks in the summer season). It must include a functional kitchen and bathroom, TV and Internet. Regretfully we cannot accept apartments situated further than 4 km from the city centre. Apartments that usually house pets are as a rule not accepted due to allergy risks. Furthermore all apartments administered by Hay4you are non-smoking. 

Please fill in the form below and we will be in touch. Your information is kept for internal communication purposes only and will be deleted after our exchange ends.

Thank you for your interest!

Personal Information
Contact Information
Apartment type
If 'Andel/shared ownership' is selected, do you have approval of the Board?
Additional Information
Have you rented out through Hay4you before?

Please mail 4-5 photos to